Supporting the next generation of European researchers (HUI-EU)

November 6, 2023 —
by Gosia Klatt

In Māori, a hui is a meeting or gathering of people to discuss issues of significance, a process of considerable cultural importance. Dr Mat Doidge and Dr Serena Kelly, together with A/Prof Gosia Klatt, delivered the second HUI-EU Doctoral Workshop on 1-3 November 2023. The HUI-EU Jean Monnet Project, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, have brought together early-stage Doctoral students in the field of EU studies in a series of inter-institutional regional workshops across the Asia-Pacific. The workshop took place in Taipei, hosted by the European Union Centre in Taiwan, at National Taiwan University.

To learn more about our participants and their research, please see our series of short introductory videos.

Professor Hungdah Su, Director General of the EU Centre in Taiwan, warmly welcomes students at the beginning of the HUI-EU Workshop.

HUI-EU workshops are practically focused and informal, providing an arena to discuss research projects and receive constructive feedback from peers and senior academics, to engage in hands-on research skills-based activities, to provide advice to students on the doctoral process, and to facilitate engagement with practitioners. At the core of these workshops is face-to-face engagement and networking with other participants, both within the framework of the workshop programme and in side activities. In Taipei, the participants had an opportunity to visit the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office, where HUI-EU participants were warmly welcomed by Renee Bates and Portia Allen, and introduced to NZ’s relations with ROC Taiwan. The presentation also included a brief overview of the work of Frieder Mecklenburg from the EETO, who spoke on EU–ROC Taiwan relations.