ZEI-NewsletterNewsletter 1/ 2019

Center for European Integration Studies

As summer draws closer, our Master Fellows from the “Class of 2019” have completed their studies at ZEI. Our newsletter provides you with updated information on our students and the work of the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI). Furthermore, we invite you to check out our most recent publications in the area of “Governance and Regulation in the EU”.

Alumni Panel

One of the highlights of this year’s Final Ceremony of the “ZEI Master of European Studies – Governance and Regulation” on 28 June 2019 was the panel discussion on “The Future of the Western Balkans in the EU” featuring ZEI Alumni Ksenija Milenkovic, Assistant Minister for European Integration of Serbia, “Class of 2004”; Dr. Ermir I. Hajdini, Albanian National Agency for Information Security, “Class of 2000”; Teodora Ladic, Pan-European Union Montenegro, “Class of 2017”; Denis Preshova, Ss.Cyril & Methodius University Skopje, “Class of 2006”; Flandra Syla, University of Münster, “Class of 2012” and Nikola Jokic, ZEI, “Class of 2019”. A big thank you goes out to all participants for the lively debate.

Final Ceremony

In his welcoming address, Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, underlined ZEI’s important contribution to the international profile of Bonn University. Natalie Hungate and Josef Jerke from the “Class of 2019” thanked ZEI’s Europe-wide faculty for the year and named Prof. Christian Koenig as the best lecturer for 2019. ZEI Director Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt expressed his gratitude to the students, supporters and friends of ZEI.


ZEI Master of European Studies

Studying at ZEI offers you the chance to understand the EU and the critical interplay between governance and regulation. ZEI professors and a “flying” faculty of renowned experts and practitioners who travel to Bonn from all over the EU teach the program in intensive seminars. As a ZEI Fellow (our students) you will be part of an international group of young professionals with diverse backgrounds and experiences, and will have the opportunity to have your research published and be a part of the ZEI research team.

This program starts in October. Get in touch with us here

ZEI Future of Europe Observer

The “ZEI Future of Europe Observer” accompanies European politics with analysis and projections. The “ZEI Future of Europe Observer” is published three times a year and each issue focuses on a specific aspect of European governance and regulation.

The latest issue of the ZEI Future of Europe Observer examines in what way the  EU‘s Global Strategy overlaps with the UN Agenda with special attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It comprises of analyses by ZEI Master of European Studies Fellows “Class of 2019”.

ZEI Discussion Paper

ZEI Discussion Papers stimulate discussion among researchers, practitioners and policy makers on current and emerging issues of European integration and Europe’s global role. They express the personal opinion of the authors. The papers often reflect on-going research projects at ZEI. The latest Discussion Papers include:

C 254 Susanne Baier-Allen “Europe and America”

C 253 Agnes Kasper / Alexander Antonov “Towards Conceptualizing EU Cybersecurity Law”

C 252 Chiara Ristuccia “Industry 4.0: SMEs Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Digitalization”

C 251 Günther H. Oettinger “Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler”

ZEI Insights

ZEI Insights provide commentary and critical analysis on governance and regulation developments related to the ten priorities of the European Commission” and its inter-play with the European Parliament and the European Council.

The latest editions include:

“Cybersecurity at EU and National Level – the Expansion of Economic Policy” by Jan-David Blaese No. 65 June 2019

“Difficulties of Enhancing the Eurozone’s Democratic Accountability – the Status of the European Commission’s Proposals” by Maja Kluger-Dionigi No. 64 June 2019

Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI) 
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
Telefon / Phone: 0228 / 73-1886

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