
ESAANZ is proud to announce that the ESAANZ essay competition for 2020 for the best undergraduate and postgraduate essay in both Australia and New Zealand. Four awards are available this year with one undergraduate and one postgraduate essay able to win from both Australia and New Zealand.

Essays are due by DECEMBER 1st 2020


  • Best essay by an undergraduate students (2,000 – 4,000 words)
  • Best essay presented by an honours or postgraduate student (3,000 – 5,000 words)


Essays eligible for submission must have been assessed as part on an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at an Australian tertiary institution in 2020.

Essays from any discipline with a European issue are eligible – history, politics, law, economics, business, sociology, cultural studies, etc.

Essays will be judged by a panel of judges selected by ESAANZ, including from the Delegation of the European Union to Australia and New Zealand.

Eligible essays must have been submitted and assessed as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in:

  • Semester 1&2, 2020


The winning and highly commended essays will be considered for publication in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies.

Prizes will be awarded as gift vouchers to the value of:

Undergraduate: $250
Postgraduate: $350

Winners will receive a year’s free membership of ESAANZ, and their publication will be considered for entry in to the Australia and New Zealand Journal of European Studies

How to Enter

Send an electronic version of your essay to: info@esaanz.org.au Please ensure the subject heading reads ‘ESAANZ ESSAY COMP – AU/NZ’, indicating your country of origin

In your email please include the following information

  • name
  • postal address
  • institution
  • essay category (undergraduate or Honours/post-graduate)
  • contact phone number and email address
  • the word count of your entry

Closing Date

Tuesday, 1st December 2020

The essay should have a separate cover page which includes:

  • name
  • postal address
  • institution
  • essay category (undergraduate or Honours/post-graduate)
  • contact phone number and email address
  • the word count of your entry

Your name should not appear anywhere else on the essay.

Winners will be notified formally by mail and the results will be publicised on the ESAANZ website.

Entrants may not submit more than one essay.

Please contact Serena Kelly at serena.kelly@canterbury.ac.nz with any questions.

This competition is generously supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Australia. It is open to all students at Australian and New Zealand tertiary institutions. ESAANZ reserve the right not to award a prize.