The Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia (CESAA) and EU
Centre at RMIT invite you to this public seminar on populism.
Associate Professor Cathy Greenfield (School of Media and Communication at
RMIT University)
Adjunct Professor Stephen Alomes (School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at
RMIT University)
Professor Bruno Mascitelli (Professor in International Studies at Swinburne
University, President of Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia)
Professor Joe Siracusa (Professor of Human Security and International Diplomacy
in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University)
Thursday, 15 August 2019, 12:30 pm – 2 pm
RMIT Council Chamber
Building 1, Level 2R
124 La Trobe St
RSVP here
More Information from Stephen Alomes:
What is populism? What are its causes? How do populism researchers define its
characteristics? Is it a variation on another chameleon vessel, nationalism? How can it
be responded to?
Populist Leaders and… Trump, Berlusconi, Salvini, Haider, Orban, Putin, Erdogan,
Brexit, True Finns. Le Pens, Hanson, Tea Party. Podemos, Sanders, Melenchon.
Koizumi, Howard, Morrison. Macron. Johnson?
Evidence that populism is the powerful political force of today.